What Is Going to Be the Dangerous Side-Effects of Overdosing?

An addiction to any substance is always going to be harmful to our body and health. So just imagine how overdosing on such a thing can cause dangerous effect on our body. There can be long-term consequences that you might not be even aware of. So, here we are going to talk about the side effects of overdosing for your reference.
Drug overdosing is always a scary and tragic event that might turn fatal for many of us. So, no matter how long you have been using these substances, you can still come out of it through proper timely treatment. Though this cannot be done alone we need friends, family, and most importantly communities that help such people. Detox to Rehab is one such progressive, supportive community that has helped people to navigate their journey to sobriety. They are there in every step towards this path of sobriety.
So, what are the possible overdose side effects?
Some of the immediate side effects that you may need to know include:
Slow breathing:
This may lead to ultimately stopping the breath that may be fatal for you.
This can be fatal when the person may vomit while asleep and may choke. This can lead to death.
This might happen when the person might hit himself with some object or falls on the ground. This can also cause unconsciousness, confusion, headaches, or brain damage
In this type of coma patients may take a lot of time to recover or may never get conscious again.
Cardiac arrest:
This can also happen due to overdosing. You may see signs like wheezing, chest pain, fainting, and lightheadedness. In such cases, you may need to take immediate medical attention.
The long-term side effects include psychological and physical damage. A person may go through mental problems like anxiety, depression, memory loss, liver damage, cardio-related problems, brain injury, and some neurological consequences.