Low Testosterone – Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment Options

Symptoms of low testosterone are very common in both men and women. Low Testosterone (FT) is caused by a number of factors such as: chemotherapy, surgery for cancer, infections, and age. Symptoms of low testosterone normally occur only over a period of years and they may not be apparent at an earlier age. Low Testosterone (FT) can have a negative impact on the quality of a man’s sex life and can cause symptoms such as impotence, decreased sex drive and low bone mass.
If you are concerned that your low testosterone level may be responsible for any of these problems, consult your doctor. A specialist from a clinic like Prime Men’s Medical Center will perform blood tests to determine if there is a deficiency in the male hormones. If there is, then your doctor will prescribe treatment. The doctor may also recommend that these symptoms be treated through natural means. These treatments are discussed further in the paragraphs that follow.
A decreased testosterone level is associated with many conditions and causes such as: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, infection, and aging. Because testosterone is required for the production of healthy male sexual hormones, reduced levels can have a negative effect on the quality of a man’s sex life and cause erectile dysfunction and low sex drive. Testosterone is responsible for the production of male sex hormones, so the lower levels of this hormone can lead to impotence or low libido. In older men, muscle mass is also diminished as muscle mass is related to the production of testosterone.
There are many men who take natural supplements to treat and prevent Low Testosterone (FT). There are many herbal supplements available to treat the condition, some of which include herbs like Tribulus Terrestris, Ginseng, Dandelion Root, and Muira Puama. These herbs have been used for centuries to treat and prevent Low Testosterone (FT). While the exact cause of Low-T has not been identified, many researchers believe it is related to decreased levels of Leutenizing and Endocrine (LH and E) hormones.
Many men treat their condition with testosterone supplements to replace the hormones lost during treatment with prescription medications. Before starting testosterone replacement therapy, it is important that you discuss any health conditions you may have with your doctor. As always, ask about side effects, risks, and possible interactions with any prescription medications you are taking. It is also important to do your homework and research before taking any supplements. It is important to seek a doctor’s opinion before starting any supplement regimen.
Low Testosterone (FT) is not usually a dangerous condition. However, because it is often associated with other symptoms such as impotence, decreased sex drive, mood disorders, and muscle weakness, you should always consult your doctor before beginning any treatment. With proper evaluation and treatment, low testosterone levels seldom develop into more serious issues.
Low Testosterone can have serious repercussions on a male’s health and well-being. Testosterone, also known as luteinizing hormone, is a natural hormone made by the body. It is mainly produced by the male testicles in men. It influences a male’s sexual development and in visual appeal. It also stimulates a mans sex drive and sperm production.
Symptoms of low testosterone are numerous. Some of these include loss of body hair, decreased muscle mass, decreased libido and erectile dysfunction. Many men take supplements to counter these symptoms but these supplements can actually compound the problem by introducing more substances into the body, thus negating its natural capacity to cure the problem. This is the reason why it is important to go for medical tests to determine the problem before resorting to treatment. A doctor will usually do blood work, semen analysis and a couple of other things to assess whether or not you are suffering from low testosterone.
Sperm production and quality also play a crucial role in male fertility. When there are reduced levels of testosterone, a man experiences reduced sperm production. As for erectile dysfunction, when low testosterone plays a major role, men have reduced levels of confidence in bed. And if there are reduced levels of hot flashes, this means that a woman’s reproductive system is more sensitive and it can send out warning signs much faster than before. A good example of this is that during a hot flash a woman can have multiple orgasms.
To know whether you are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, you need to consult your doctor first. Your doctor will need to perform several blood tests to confirm the problem. Once confirmed, he can prescribe testosterone replacement therapy or go for HRT. There are risks with both of these methods; the use of hormone therapy has its own set of risks and side effects. And the use of HRT has been associated with the development of breast and prostate cancer among male patients.
There are several symptoms of low testosterone that can be observed in men. Low Testosterone can lead to a decrease in sperm count. Sperms can be seen in the scrotum or testicles. They can also be found in the prostate gland and in some cases they can be seen outside the scrotum. Some cases of low testosterone may also be accompanied by symptoms like fatigue, depression, decreased sex drive, irritability, loss of energy, and low sperm counts.
While these are just some of the symptoms of low testosterone, they are often interrelated with other medical conditions as well. Men with diabetes, metabolic disorders like hyperinsulinism and polycystic ovarian syndrome often exhibit low levels of testosterone. And even though low levels of testosterone in the body may not cause these disorders, their presence may increase the risk of developing them.